5 Top Tips for a Stronger Immune System

5 top Tips How to keep a healthy strong immune system alongside training!


Often during my work as a personal trainer I’ll get asked how to not only increase performance but health too. The main answer I give is to improve your immune system. It may not be sexy but it’s the truth! A strong immune system will mean you’ll avoid some viruses and beat off infections which translates directly to more time under the barbells in the gym and time running on the road. So, what are my top tips

1.      Get enough Sleep. This can not be understated enough. Without adequate sleep your immune system is on the back foot. So too is muscular recovery from sessions. Aim to get around 8-10 hours if you’re training hard.

2.      Avoid Stress. AS much as you can find times to destress. Some stress is inevitable and beneficial, too much and your immune system will take a kicking. Don’t spend precious time scrolling through Instagram relentlessly at 2am- it’s not going to help! Take moment just to sit and be, you don’t need to be an expert in meditation to just sit and listen to the wind, sea or bird song.

3.      Keep Training. Keeping fit is vital for when your sick. A strong muscular system and cardiovascular system stands you in great stead when your body is under pressure.   

4.      Don’t train too hard! If you’re putting in 5 plus sessions a week don’t kill yourself each session, you’ll just smash your immune system into the ground. Develop a good periodized routine and if you don’t know how contact a good personal trainer. If you’re only training once a week then of course by all means, go hard.

5.      Lose Fat. Obesity affects the immune system. To optimise your health, optimise your body fat levels. Try to eat at least 7 portions of vegetables a day and 2/3 good sources of protein per day. Couple that with great hydration to keep your lymphatic system topped up.